Work Permits

Unlocking Global Opportunities: Your Partner in Seamless Work Permits and Visas

Why Work With Us?

Navigating the complexities of work permit and visa applications can be a daunting challenge for individuals and businesses alike.

The intricacies of documentation, changing regulations, and the potential for delays make this process demanding and time-consuming.

At UHR, we understand the hurdles involved and have the expertise to guide you through seamlessly.

With a proven track record, our experienced team ensures that every aspect of Work Permit and Visa Applications is managed efficiently.

From initial consultations to meticulous documentation, we are committed to providing comprehensive and reliable services, alleviating the stress and uncertainties that often accompany these procedures.

Partner with UHR, and let our expertise be the key to unlocking your global opportunities.

Work Permit and Visa Services

Work Permit Application

Managing the process of obtaining legal authorization to work in Malta involves a comprehensive understanding and adherence to immigration and labour laws, ensuring compliance for individuals seeking employment. We guide applicants through the intricate steps required for legal authorization, facilitating a seamless transition into the workforce while upholding regulatory requirements.

Document Collection

Our commitment extends to the efficient collection and organization of essential documentation from both employees and employers, including contracts and legal forms. This meticulous approach ensures that all necessary paperwork is in order, contributing to a smooth and compliant employment process.

Work Permit Renewals

Extending or renewing Work Permits for individuals already employed in Malta is another area of our expertise. We handle the submission of necessary documentation for continuous legal authorization, simplifying the renewal process for both employers and employees.

"Still Abroad" Applications

Additionally, our services encompass managing employment-related paperwork and applications for employees situated in their home country or another location. This includes initiating initial employment applications or visa processes, providing comprehensive support to candidates regardless of their geographic location.

Change of Employer Application

For those undergoing a change in employers, we specialize in handling paperwork and legal processes associated with such transitions. Whether or not the current employment contract is terminated, we obtain necessary approvals and documentation to ensure a seamless transition for individuals moving to a new professional endeavour.

Fast Track Application Service

Our fast-track service is specifically designed for accelerated application processing, guaranteeing that the submission of applications and required documentation is completed within three working days, subject to having all necessary documents available. This service prioritizes efficiency, providing a swift and reliable solution for urgent application needs.

Bulk Applications

Our simultaneous submission service efficiently handles a large number of applications, often employed for streamlined processing when faced with a substantial volume of requests. This approach ensures that each application receives the attention it deserves, maintaining our commitment to thorough and expedited service.

Visa Applications

Our Visa Processing Service facilitates the efficient and timely handling of visa applications. By streamlining the submission and approval process, we empower individuals seeking authorization to enter a specific country, ensuring a hassle-free experience throughout the visa application journey.

Get In Touch. We Would Love To Hear From You.

Should you have some questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.